Albuquerque Law-La-Palooza
A FREE Legal Fair where you can talk with an attorney.
Divorce |
Creditor / Debtor |
Power of Attorney |
Custody |
Child Support |
Public Benefits |
Landlord / Tenant |
Guardianship / Kinship |
Unemployment |
Bankruptcy |
Wills / Probate |
Immigration |
Personal Injury |
Tax Disputes with the IRS |
First-come, first-served basis
Bilingual attorneys and staff available
Abogados bilingüe y funcionados estarán disponibles.
If you need the assistance of an ASL Interpreter for this event, please contact Eldora Morris at eldora (at) nmcenterforlanguageaccess (dot) org or 505-310-2351
3:00pm – 6:00pm
Raymond G Sanchez Community Center, 9800 4th St. NW, Albuquerque NM 87114
Next Date August 24, 2017
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