Law Access New Mexico Services
Our toll-free helpline is open for new intakes from 8:45am - 11:45am & 12:30pm - 3:45pm M-F.
The phone # to call is 505-998-4529 (Albuquerque) or 1-800-340-9771 (Statewide, toll-free).
We can be reached from anywhere in New Mexico.
If you speak a language other than English or Spanish, we can still help.
All residents of New Mexico are eligible no matter what your immigration status is.
Law Access provides telephone advice, referrals (if possible) and information in civil legal matters such as:
Divorce, paternity, custody, visitation
Landlord/Tenant—Evictions, Repairs
Consumer problems, such as being sued for a debt, wages being garnished
Public Benefits, such as Medicaid, Food Stamps, TANF, GA, Social Security disability & retirement
Advice for "pro se" cases & self-help information
Sometimes we are able to make referrals to other legal services in NM
We handle all cases over the telephone and do not provide ongoing legal representation or go to court.
Ayuda es para todos los residentes de Nuevo Mexico sin considerar el estado migratorio.
Law Access New Mexico ofrece asesoría legal por teléfono sobre asuntos legales como:
• Divorcio, paternidad, custodia de menores
• Compensación de Desempleo
• Colección de Deudas al consumidor, Embargo
• Arrendador/ Inquilino – Desalojamiento, Reparaciones
• Medicaid, Estampillas de Comida, TANF
• Asesoría Legal de casos “Pro Se” (Donde se representa sin abogado en la corte)
• Instrucciones para ayuda propia
• Recomendaciones a otros servicios legales en NM
Manejamos todos los casos por teléfono. No ofrecemos representación legal en la corte.
When calling the helpline, callers meeting low-income & residency criteria receive help in one of two ways:
(1) Law Access lawyers will give immediate information and advice to the caller on the phone,
(2) if possible, they will refer the caller to one of the many cooperating agencies to provide more "in-depth" help with that particular problem and then follow up to make sure the caller got the help they needed.